Get involved with 2024 Luxperience

Exhibitor -or- Buyer
19-22 November 2024
ICC Sydney
Aug 5, 2024 LuxNews

Luxperience 2024 – bigger and better than ever

The countdown to register to attend Luxperience 2024 as a luxury travel advisor has commenced.

With just 4 short weeks to go, opportunities to experience the vibrant atmosphere and exceptional quality of local and global luxury travel partners closes at the end of August.

A famous mainstay of Australia’s most selective luxury trade event is the one-on-one 15-minute personal appointment diary which matches experienced travel professionals with luxury travel suppliers to ensure quality meaningful connections can be made.

The final one, two and three-day Luxperience passes are filling fast and Event Director, Lynn Ormiston, says she has been overwhelmed with the quality of both advisors and partners for this year’s event, which is being held 19 – 22 November at ICC Sydney.

“Luxperience is known for the quality of appointments. We know that the time and investment of all guests is extremely valuable, however our difference is the ‘uncompromising’ approach we take to finding the perfect match for luxury travel lovers to make connections and create business opportunities,” she said.

Lynn Ormiston, Luxperience Event Director

“We measure success by the feedback of our buyers and our partners, who are asked to rate the value of the relationships formed and potential value of future business opportunities,” Ormiston added.

Guest Experience Manager, Lauren Dunemann, confirmed that with only 4 weeks left to go for registration, she anticipated filling the final places ahead of schedule, knowing the quality of luxury advisors and travel professionals in the Australian market.

“I would encourage any luxury travel advisors and agencies to register as quickly as possible. Once we close or fill registrations, we are unable to re-open as our appointment-matching premise is critical. The right ratio of global and national advisors must synchronise with our luxury and unique travel suppliers,” Ms Dunemann.

Lauren Dunemann, Luxperience Guest Experience Manager

“Our global numbers have been confirmed for several weeks, however we are still holding places for national travel professionals, particularly those residing in Sydney and NSW. Our incredible famil programs are almost full and we are anticipating a record-breaking event from the quality of partners to buyers and the number of incredible famils for our guests, pre and post Luxperience,” she added.

According to Lynn Ormiston, the event still has several exciting announcements to be made over the next few weeks, adding to the excitement of the luxury trade showcase. Stay tuned for more updates.

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