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19-22 November 2024
ICC Sydney

14-Oct, 14:00 - 14:45

Monaco: A Sustainable Luxury Tourism Destination

Virtual Workshop

The Monaco Government Tourist and Convention Authority is delighted to bring you latest information on how the Principality of Monaco is working hand in hand with all luxury tourism and hospitality partners to ensure the health and safety of residents and visitors to the country. And whilst travelling to Monaco is still off the table for Australians and New Zealanders for now, there are some very exciting developments and insights to share from the Principality that will prepare you for when international travels resume: the announcement of three Monaco Grand Prix in 2021, a new look for the iconic Casino Square, innovative initiatives from Monaco’s cultural institutions, the new Larvotto Beach, the sustainable future of Monaco, and much more. There are so many reasons to face the future of travel with confidence and optimism. We MISS YOU and can not wait to see you all again online for the Visit Monaco Webinar.

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