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19-22 November 2024
ICC Sydney

Luxperience Awards: Inspiring Award

Open to Buyer Agencies and Partner Companies

The INSPIRING AWARD will recognise a buyer or partner organisation that best demonstrates excellence in the planning and development of innovative products, services & experiences, acknowledging entrepreneurial vision, market leadership and uniqueness. The INSPIRING AWARD will reward innovation and concepts within the luxury high-end experiential travel space OR events and/or incentives.

Nominees are judged on their entrepreneurial vision for creating a product, service or experience for the high-end leisure travel or business events consumer which demonstrates innovation and inspires enhanced awareness of the potential within luxury and experiential travel. The product or service can be either a one-off or ongoing offering.

Question 1

Describe your company’s product, service or experience and how it was developed (max 500 words).

Question 2

Outline how your product, service or experience demonstrates innovation and inspires awareness of the potential within luxury and experiential travel or events. Provide detail on the success/outcomes of the strategies implemented (max 500 words).

Submission Guidelines

  • All entries must be uploaded to your personalised Submission Portal by Friday 4 Oct 2024 (link sent separately)
  • Please ensure your submission clearly answers the above questions in one document.
  • Include any graphs or data to support your submission in the one document with the questions – pdf upload preferred.
  • Submissions must include four (4) – six (6) high-resolution images in the document with one (1) image also uploaded separately for media purposes.
  • Submissions must include at least one form of visual, such as imagery, advertising, animated gifs, short videos, or clips, and or digital channels and social media. Where possible, include captions and/or narratives describing how the campaign meets the category requirements. These Visual Supplements must be included in the one document as links or images.

Should you have any questions about your submission or the awards program, please contact and we wish you luck with your submission!

Key Dates & Times

Awards Submissions Open – Wednesday 17 July

Awards Submissions Close – Friday 4 October 

Awards Judging – Monday 7 October – Friday 25 October

Awards Shortlist Announced – Tuesday 29 October 

Winners Announced –  Luxperience Awards Masquerade Social Event, Tuesday 19 November 

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